Le jeu de simulation de course cycliste.


History (4-REFERENCES)

The idea of creating a game on the bike came to me after seeing a Formula De, the legendary racer F1. Indeed, not a fan of car, but the little queen, I thought a game on this topic would be very nice. I showed my brain and ...
3 years later, 5 prototypes different had emerged and rules have evolved as parts.  In order not to fall into the trap "my game it is too much!" , The game was tested on a methodology:
-The game-ready to different groups of players (families, big players, games, recreation center, etc.) with an evaluation sheet and explanatory text!
- Analysis and rehabilitation rules
- Re-prêt to other groups of players> analysis and rehabilitation of rules (x4)

This phase lasted 1 year and more than 20 different groups have been approached.
At the same time, I organized a maximum of parties, which allowed me to settle in greater detail mechanisms.

VELOMASTER then undergoes brilliantly his baptism of fire in February 2007 at the largest exhibition of the game in France: The Cannes Film Festival du Jeu (http://www.festivaldesjeux-cannes.com/).
As a demonstration of public (as well as "off"), countless parties were played: big players, of course, but also groups of friends, teenagers, children or family. In short, a very important panel to realize the pleasure provided by the game: a real success, with a lot of solicitation to buy the box, some defects found, finds that playing more ... Connoisseurs of cycling have praised the simulation and those who do not know anything, have made the game almost suprit not ease the rules.

  After exploring many avenues for manufacturing, the first series is now available!